When Jealousy strikes,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It kills...

Esther Cheong is blogging now from Computer lab 3.

Esther Cheong is now sitting beside Kellin Kng and Koh Yu Wei and Khoo Wan Qing. 3"K'"s again.

Esther Cheong is NOT looking forward to Media Outing on 1 May Labour day. But Wants to go shopping with MIN and LU.

Esther Cheong is feeling cool about today.

Esther Cheong wants to sleep and study today after school.

Esther Cheong wants to study like there's no tomorrow.

Esther Cheong wants to give up.

Esther Cheong says "Cheer Up Yvonne :-)"

Esther Cheong ...... is speechless.

Esther Cheong is disgusted by kellin because she just rolled her big eyes at me.

Esther Cheong wants to give her a tight slap but she coughed.

Esther Cheong is feeling lame because daniel kwon didn't come today.

Esther Cheong is disgusted by kellin AGAIN because she is blogging rubbish.

Esther Cheong wants to get a life.

Esther Cheong wants to go shooting soon :-)

Esther Cheong is disgusted by kellin kng ONCE AGAIN because she is playing with her double chin and singing "I have double Chin" song, which goes like: "I have double chin" repetively :-)

Esther Cheong is disgusted AGAIN and AGAIN by Kellin Kng because she said i am "The Most Disgusting" Which kinda freak me out.

Esther Cheong hopes Yvonne will cheer up after seeing this.

I can spam my plurk with this :-)