Happy 1st Year!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello ;) Today has been a great day for everyone in my cell group ;)

Anyway today's serom was great, Breaking out from everything and i must remember my identity. Lol. And then after sermon me and jos went over to buy flowers ;) And also to order pizza for our cellgroup's 1st Year anniversary! We ordered 2hawaiians, a terriyaki and barbecue chicken each ;)

And then......... Josephine gave us the very nice card she made ;) And also the flowers for the girls! And then we had fun taking photos like mad hahahaha. We kept spamming self timer x10 shots so it was frigging awesome and lame. We did lame things like tilting our heads left and write HAHAHAHAHAHA. And then luwei helped us to take photo with the vivian's polaroid ;)

And then i caught "500 Days of Summer" with Mindy mickon luwei and kzhang ;) It was great!

Thanks Nissi Salt 2 for the past year. It've been a really great one, for me at least ;) Thanks for making me feel loved, thanks for even being there when i needed the most. Thanks for sharing all the joys and the laughters throughout this one year. Thanks for letting me know what is a family in Christ ;) Thanks. Really thanks. I'm not really good with words... So yeah but i really appreciate every single one of you, yes you. LOL :-)

Really thank God for you this bunch of awesome people! :-)
Once again, Happy 1st Year Anniversary, Nissi Salt 2!
Still standing strong, as a family of Christ. Nissi Salt 2.