Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian on 4th JuneYI went to watch this show together! And it's cool to the max. I'd rather prefer this to the first one's though. Cause it's really cool. I loved the part when the Oceans and the Aslan part. And it's super cool LOL. Hahaha. My brother's collegue said that he had a hard time checking the theatre cause people were sitting on the stairs. LOL. Hahaha, Yea, overall it was an awesome show!
P.S lucy is super cute LOL, i love susan's bow HAHAHAHA.
Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian
Sunday, June 22, 2008Posted by Esther Cheong at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Pepper lunch cum Daiso Updates
Slacking at Daiso Cum Pepper Lunch Trip - 15th May
Lol, so me, mindy, jingwei and luwei went to IMM's Pepper lunch to have MY first pepper lunch meal! hahah it was awesome. (Don't mind me being a suakoo) And yes, Photos credit goes to luwei!Lol super retarded, from left to right, Smiling boy, Angry girl, Shy girl. AHAHA LAME.
This is cool luwei's camera, and he wants to take a "STILL" photo of mindy, but i keep moving, and that's the result HAHAHA.
This is my first attempt to cook my erh, Chicken Patty?!?! I forgotten the name HAHA. If i didnt cook it, one side will be raw, and the other side will be cooked! Dangerous, dangerous!
Luwei trying to act pro. HAHAHA SEE THE RESULT!!! no lah, kidding.
This was the animal ride, 2minutes for 2 dollars, and we took turns to play with it, it actually moved. And kids were looking at us. LOL. it was fun! to the max! HAHA. (I have childhood XD)
Thisss, is our group photo with the adorable pig. LOL
Yes, and then we went daiso to shop for things?Flower section, Da jie da and Da ge Xiao trying to stone the poor innocent (But smiling) jingwei. LOL
Us, faithful fellower of our "Da Jie Da" Lol she look so serious here.
Us, with the gardening equipments. LOL
Me with the hat, it's for putting flowers actually. LOL
Cool. FLower champion LOL. Look at the red trophy -.-
Posted by Esther Cheong at 12:19 PM 0 comments
East Coast Trip Updates
East Coast Trip - 1st June 2008
Lol so we went to East Coast park to skate, and Lol. I biked actually, and there were people who's trying to skate at the beginner's corner, and yeah. The amazingly two skaters that endured the looooong part of East Coast park is... Uncle Muxin, and Kenneth Zhang!Gabriel trying to act a skater with his skates LOL. I think it's muxins. LOL
Uncle Muxin Trying to prepare! And the battle between Luwei, and Kenneth Zhang(Look at his mouth)
This is marina bay(?!) And my cool camera can zoom from Bedok Jetty to there :) COol right. Mindy's camcorder more cool y'know!
Bedok Jetty. Too bad i can't get the middle point T.T
This is the "Very Cool cum Retro cum Vintage" Traffic light button they said. LOLThis is our beloved "Da Jie Da" with the "Oh no, my precious traffic light button post, don't press/steal it pose" LOL.
And this's the "Oooo i looove my button! pose" Lol.
P.S We actually missed our stop and ended up in geylang, so that's the thing about the retro button. Hahaha super hilarious!
Posted by Esther Cheong at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Steamboat Updates
Steamboat - 12th May
Lol so we went to Mindy's house for steamboat! And yes, it was awesome. Just people who went, and yeah. awesome totally. Lol i guess this few days we really looove steamboats. Cause we just had one like, the day before? :) Sunday group is awesome eaters, esp MINDY LOL
So, just pictures. Cause we didn't do anything much haha.Kenneth Zhang with his Peace post LOL
Food, Glorious foood!
Lol Oh my, all the photo quality sucks. IM TERRIBLY SORRY!!!!!
Posted by Esther Cheong at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Radical Conference Updates
Radical Conference - 30 to 31st June
Radical Conference was awesome! Pastors from all over the world(?) Came. One of the few are,
Pastor Preston - From America
Pastor Dave - From Australia
And they were sooo awesome! Firstly they said about, defeating the inner giant first, then you can defeat the outter giant. Most people taught that the inner giant is less important, and it's what you do during your personal life. And yeah, i agree. I might be struggling with myself on that point. And i learnt too, that i've gotta be the turning point for myself, then i can be the changing point for others. Yeah overall, the radical conference was good! And well said, really.
I've got my duty as "Video Cam 1" Lol it's really fun, i've gotta chase the pastor whenever he walks with the joystick in the counter. And for Pastor Preston, he moves alot LOL. So i've gotta chase around. But it was fun! Morever, Serving the Lord with joy :)
Anyway pictures with my fellow media people! Hahaha.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday Birthday!
Friday, June 06, 2008Thanks everyone who wished me happy birthday!
On the celebration 05/06: Mindy, jingwei, luwei, jocelyn, gabriel, xunxiang, joshua, kenneth, brandon, muen, muxin, wanzi, wanlin, evangeline!
On the celebration 06/06: wanlin, wanzi, vidas, zhaolun, kenneth yeo, junze, yanni, jieying, weehuat, kunzheng, liyuan, luwei, jingwei, jocelyn, gabriel, joshua, muxin, regina, eunice, cherrie,
michelle kon, cheryl, mindy, davin
By SMS: Herman, Hockhuey, Szern!, Jiexin, Darren, Eunice Tan, ChiewMin, Corrinne, Qiuli, Muen, Javan, Samantha Oh, Boon Hoo, Andrew, Jelyn, Zixin, Charlene Yeo, Dova, Brother, Christabel, Evangeline, WeeHuat
By MSN : Serena, Kenni, Shane, Jiexin, Darren, Jieying, Shaun, Gabriel, Joshua, Weihong, JieHau, ShenHan, Ryan, Boon, Adilah, Davin
Friendster : Nicholas, JiaQi, Weekiat, ZiXin, Jelyn, June
Tagboard : Jieying, Gabriel, Wei Chin
And my mum gave me a birthday prayer! and a hug! Wooo :D
My penpal is sending me a present over! HOW COOL IS THAAAT!!! :D
Ohhh ohhh ohh i must blog before my birthday ends! Thank God for suuuuch a memorable birthday this year! :D
Oohhhh and they actually came to my house this morning. AND SURPRISE LOL. Guess what, i already know it lah, but yeah I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS!!!! *ask joshua how i know it* HEHEHE.
I was pee-ing when they came. And I SHOWED MY UNGLAM SIDE AHHHHH!!!! They actually came into my bed room. AHahahaha, anyway and yeah. Alot of people showed up! thanks for the master mind ~.~ for calling the media people toooo! :D
Oh then we ate a cake. They blind folded me again. and they wanna smash the cake onto my face. BUT HAHAHAHAHA IM TOO SMART!!!! ~.~ Okay then we went to KFC, and celebrated JunZe's birthday too. And they made us wear this tag, and crown, that says ITS MY 15th BIRTHDAY! and i'm supposed to get 2 strangers to wish me happy birthday before i could take it out, if not i must wear it and walk around lot1! AHHHHH THEY LOVE TO HUMILIATE ME!!! Hahaha but thanks yeah, so i got 2 KFC staff to wish me happy birthday, while Junze got Weehuat's student! AHHHHHH!!!! CHEATER YOU!!!!!
Okay then we went warren country club, and we played the arcade, and it's was dirt cheap. Like 40cents for the DDR, but i didnt play lah. And like other games all 40cents! including time crisis, and those puzzle bobble stuff and hmmm, the photo hunt toooo! We tried to beat the record for photo hunt but was in avail. We played the kids one, AND WE THOUGHT WE SO PRO YOU KNOW LOL. and end up, the kids were more pro-er then us. LOL their highscores were higher.
Ohhh then we went to the playground and play catching cum ice man! hahaha it's really fun. And yeah. Many surprises. HAHAHAHA THEN WE PLAYED CHOP CHILLI CHOP TOOOOOOOOOOO. Okay yeah. we missed3 bus and because of that we were late for regina's house.
Weehuat was cooooooking for them, and davin and jingwei was cooking for us! And while eating, we watched "Secret" it was nice! And yeah. LOL. and thennnnnn we went to mindy's house for "The Chronicles of Narnia" 1. LOL. two movies in a day!
And a party too ;)
Oh tomorrow's church! We've gonna have combined service! Hahahahaha. I see i see, Yeah it's awesome. 34 more minutes before my 15th birthday is gone! T.T
P.S pictures to be uploaded once i get them! :D
P.S.S.S Mindy've gotten me an orange flower this year! It was red last year ;)
Oh eventhough my birthday it's coming to an end in like 15minutes time, I'm really glad for this birthday party this year! And yeah, thanks everyone! And mostly, thank God :)
Posted by Esther Cheong at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008Last words before i turn 15 today! or tomorrow!
Anyway thanks to the people that had me surprised, and somehow planned for me a party! Appreciate you guys alot!
Should be : Mindy, jingwei, luwei, jocelyn, gabriel, xunxiang, joshua, kenneth, brandon, muen, muxin, wanzi, wanlin, evangeline!
Oh and thanks my mom too, for helping them. Actually i already know liao okay! LOL. jieying actually told me on msn. Cause my mom said someone will be visiting. THEN HAHAHAHA SO HILARIOUS. yeah ~.~
Yay, they actually brought me around the whole neighbourhood, and lot1 BLINDFOLDED... LOL
And yeah, it's like. They blindfolded me with a towel, (it's used to wipe our fans i think T.T) and another Gucci shades by muen. And lastly, wearing an NCC hat from gabriel.
Anyway, yeah. 14 i'm gonna step outta 14 soon. Last time i thought 14 will be an unlucky year for me. 14 = yi si. LOL. Yeah. Wooo. I'm supposed to get my IC done by today! Not really. But i've got like weeks to go. ANd i'm looking forward to renewal camp :DOh they brought me this cupcake, very very nice. I thought i could enjoy lor! But guess what, they actually rubbed the chocolate cake ALL OVER MEEEEEEEE. not sparing a thought for my hairrrr T_T and now my cake's gone. Oh no. T.T Okay thank God for the wonderful year! Looking forward to being a FIFTEEN! :D
P.S last time i thought twelve was a teenager already. And my friend said thirTEEN then is considered one. Sooo yeah, i'm already fifteen. Time really flies. :)
joechenglover: Hahaha thanks alot cousin, and trusting me to be on your msn :P
luwei: yeah agreed! thanks a buncheh for being the mastermind for today! :D
Sherwin: Hahaha hello ignore! Woooo. Jiayou, cont'd to be radical for God!
Alaine: Hahaha, will link you soon! :D Thanks for tagging!
Joshua: Hehehehe thanks joshuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the bob! oh i miss MT! T.T
Gab: HAHAHA HAN PORK! Gratz for surviving your NCC camp!
Jamie: HELLO JAM PORK!!! thanks for tagging baybeh!
Nicole: Lol nahhh. i hate quizes T.T
Genevieve: Lol hello, thanks a bunch. will do! you too man!
Joshua: Lol yeahhhhhhhhhhh THANKS!
ZiXin: BROBBY?!?!?!? xD
Evangeline: hehehehe thanks thank!
Serene: IT"S ESTHER!!!!!!!!! T.T
Posted by Esther Cheong at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008Alot of times i wanted to blog and write, i've got the things in my mind already. But when i on my computer, the feeling just goes away. Oh anyway, i've did alot of things in the past, that made me regret alot. But well, ahhh. All this is the past. And there's still other decissions that i've regretted alot, alot alot. And i think i shouldn't be complaining here anymore.
Philippians 3: 13-14 Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Eventhough he went through so much sufferings, and pains, he said all these, and yeahhhh. So i guess i should just, give all those up.
Anyway i shall reply tags the next time. Just to let you guys know that i'm not dead,
Posted by Esther Cheong at 12:21 AM 0 comments