Radical Conference Updates

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Radical Conference - 30 to 31st June

Radical Conference was awesome! Pastors from all over the world(?) Came. One of the few are,

Pastor Preston - From America
Pastor Dave - From Australia

And they were sooo awesome! Firstly they said about, defeating the inner giant first, then you can defeat the outter giant. Most people taught that the inner giant is less important, and it's what you do during your personal life. And yeah, i agree. I might be struggling with myself on that point. And i learnt too, that i've gotta be the turning point for myself, then i can be the changing point for others. Yeah overall, the radical conference was good! And well said, really.

I've got my duty as "Video Cam 1" Lol it's really fun, i've gotta chase the pastor whenever he walks with the joystick in the counter. And for Pastor Preston, he moves alot LOL. So i've gotta chase around. But it was fun! Morever, Serving the Lord with joy :)

Anyway pictures with my fellow media people! Hahaha.

Hahaha, this was the bowling trip to the bowling alley in Warren Country Club.
And this! Is the media people, not all lah but yeah, during the Radical Conference :)