for this transient moment

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Your animation

My prelims finally ended.

And now i've gotta face the truth....

It's only 29 more days to my "O" Levels Practical
It's only 33 more days till the actual written papers start.

No more procrastinating
No more facebooking
No more mousehunting :(
No more............ slacking around

Like how i've been with my nonchalant attitude towards prelims this week. But at least for this week and last week i've been sleeping during the afternoons, and then studying at night till 2am and waking up at 5am to study. But it's not enough. Still failing maths, still getting a borderline pass for many other subjects....

L1R4 25 for your pre-prelims. Let's see about your prelims.
Buck up, Esther Cheong.

But on the happier note,

It's only 49 more days till "O" levels ends!
It's only then, i'll be free like the animated image above (LOL!)

P.S Look at kenneth and mindy HAHA and i didn't know what i was doing......?!