Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Herman Tan!!!

Okay now finally i will blog about herman's birthday LOL. So during 11th march around 10+ 11+ we went to bomb his house with LOVE. HAHAHAHA.

We met at lot one mac at around 9+ Then we went to buy a cake. :)

Hockhuey, daniel, jiexin and lewis~!

Hockhuey and kellin with that spasm smile.

Kng and me. HAHAHAH i look retarded.Then daniel kwon kept asking me to take a photo of him. So here it is! He smiled for the camera HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No lah actually i took him secretly OMG.

And then when we reached bukit timah.... We missed a stop LOL So we've gotta walk back. And the strong lewis piggy-backed the poor daniel who has a sprained ankle alllll the way from the bus stop to the road junction.

Lol this is retarded me, kng And then behind with hh and jx and lewis and kwon LOL

Then they were attempting to write a card for him. ESP JAEJUN OMG. He's limping, and he's writting lol poor thing.

And then we were preparing the cake LOL. Outta focus cause i was focusing @ hockhuey TEEHEE

And then at his door step LOL.

And then finally the anticipation and he opened the door LOL.

And his face pops up. And this shot is priceless as i was right beside the wall with the gate smashing on my face LOL.

Herman tan with the cake LOL.

Cheeky smile LOL WTH.

And they must be super angry with me cause i brought my dslr there. And then it's super dark and my aperture was at the lowest and my ISO was at the highest but still can't take well SO I USED FLASH LOLOLOL. And they were very pek chek cause i kept flashing (yes flashing with my camera) at them HAHAHA.

A very cute shot. HAHAHAHAHA. They will kill me for this but well never mind :)

Last piece of his cake hahahahaha.

His very nice ikea-look alike house. Lol omg i am using manual focus. I think my lens's AF got something wrong LOL. So pardon the blur pictures.

Pretty hockhuey. HAHA :)

Jon on the phone with herman with kng's phone. HAHA.

One last group photo with daniel lewis hockhuey before they go home! LOL. Then we continued to venture into the woods LOL LAME. Venture bukit timah. Around the SEMI-Ds awesome right.

Me herman jiexin and kellin!

I like! HAHAHA. Lame.

Kellin jiexin and herman :)

Then we went to NYPS clocktower. And we were there like 12.55..? And the pictures must be enlarged to see clearly ;)
And then he was on the phone. And the clock struck twelve. And apparently i can't take a shot of the 12:00AM exactly because when the clock struck 12 cinderella became a maid again LOL. No lah when the clock struck 12 the lights shut down. And nothing LOL. Then we screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERMAN LOL.

Hahaha then his victorious pose as 12 march was his day!!!!

And then we walked away and conferenced with him and said happy birthday again LOL. Then we called him to walk home, and said that we are going to the bus stop. Then he was like don't be dumb lah. That's the wrong direction to the bus stop LOL DOUBLE OWNAGE!!!!

And then kellin is very scary cause she moves in every photo LOLOL.
See the one behind jiexin.

And her walking around with crumpler bag LOL.

And then a final shot that is nice ;) And i was trying to be taller then herman but apparently i cannot balance so the hand is on his shoulder HAHAHA k lame.

And then a finale shot and i am done!

Today is finally a friday and i am blogging. Today's the last day of the march holidays ;(
Today is the day that i will accomplish all my task.

So good bye everyone ;) Will blog again later tonight!!! (maybe)