
Saturday, February 28, 2009

My left 4th finger was injured when playing basketball on friday. And now it's a lil swollen ;( But never as bad as herms'.

Anyway since so many people are blogging about the rainbow, i shall post about it too! Yay. Anyway this sucks. i am typing like a retard.

So i saw the rainbow while waiting for kng. And then we went to the canal on our way home. And then we saw.. the magnificent and so mesmerizing half arc rainbow LOL.

No buildings were blocking. Man it was awesome! Actually the first super duper clear and double rainbow that i saw in my life. Yes it's actually double. But i didn't manage to capture the photo. Arghh and my phone camera sucked. Oh man i wanted to bring my dslr for the arts fest competition. i regretted i didn't!!!!

If you looked closely there will be second rainbow on top of the first one. It was very pretty and nice! Hahaha i loved it.Me and kng wanted to take a photo with the rainbow. and my face is retarded.

Me and the very cool rainbow lol i look cool right. I look tiny!

Me trying to play around lol. Drinking it. LOOKS COOL.

Anyway a last self-timed shot before we leave. my bag was on the floor to make this shot a success! LOL.

Anyway a rainbow in the Bible - God's promise to Noah that He will not use floods to destroy the earth anymore! Thank God for such a wonderful and nice and awesome creation lol.

ANYWAY something random:

Circumzenithal Arc

No i didn't flip the picture or something. Lol it really existed and it's called a Circumzenithial Arc.

How this happened:
- 'The conditions have to be just right: you need the right sort of ice crystals and the sky has to be clear.

- According to Dr Mitton, the colours in the rainbow were intensified by the position of the sun, which was at the optimum spot in the sky of 22 degrees.

- The vision was made even more dazzling by the presence of "sun dogs" - gleaming spots on a halo around the sun.

- 'The height, depth and position of the ice clouds must be right as the cloud needs to be at a specific angle convex to the sun.

Circumhorizon(tal) Arc

- Clouds have to cirrus, at least 20k feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees

In general, a circumhorizontal arc (or "fire rainbow") appears when the sun is high in the sky (i.e., higher than 58° above the horizon), and its light passes through diaphanous, high-altitude cirrus clouds made up of hexagonal plate crystals. Sunlight entering the crystals' vertical side faces and leaving through their bottom faces is refracted (as through a prism) and separated into an array of visible colors. When the plate crystals in cirrus clouds are aligned optimally (i.e., with their faces parallel to the ground), the resulting display is a brilliant spectrum of colors reminiscent of a rainbow.

COOL RIGHT HAHAHA. How beautiful is God's creation man ;)

Sources from SGclub lol.