
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Saturday 6th December - My Hope SG

Sunday 7th December - Ton NR3 with Joanna luwei and kenneth.
Debbie's Birthday Party

Monday 8th December - My mother's My Hope,
Media Meeting at 5pm

Tuesday 9th December - Discipler's Training, 2pm
Brown Tribe Meeting
Media BackStage Crew at 7.30pm

Wednesday 10th December - Games Comm Meeting at 3.45
Media BackStage Crew Meeting at 7.30

Thursday 11th December - FREE HAHA (doubt so)

Friday 12th December - Setting up at RJC for YI CAMP 8AM
Games Comm Meeting 12PM
Tribe Meeting 3PM

Saturday 13th December - Church
X'Mas Bash Rehearsal 8.30

Sunday 14th December - Preparation at RJC?

Monday 15th December - YI CAMP 2008!
Game Marshall

Tuesday 16th December - YI CAMP 2008!

Wednesday 17th December - YI CAMP 2008!

Thursday 18th December - YI CAMP 2008!

Friday 19th December - Preparation for Christmas Bash

Saturday 20th December - Christmas Bash at Jurong Stadium

Supposedly free december holidays! Hahaha but i'm alright with this. The Joy of Serving :)
This is just a reminder to myself. Haha.

Anyway I'm doing backstage for Christmas Bash. Wouldn't it be cool dressed in black and ugh. Argh i still can't undestand. Haha nevermind!

Bye, gotta sleep early.