Camp @ Malaysia
Lol, hello everyone! I'm finally here to blog. Everyone has blogged about camp already. Well, i guess it's my turn! Hahaha, camp's been fine lah! But well, i seriously think some of the instructors attitude sucks. Calling us to do things that pleases you? And what about us? Ahhh, well. But i guess it was okay overall. The food is Very Very nice! Wowwww!!! And yea, the bunks sucks. But the activities are nice! Hahaha. alright!
Post camp, had bites and sunburnt all around me la deh! Lol, really cannot stand itchiness. But i've tried to find the MOKIPO or MOTIKO or MOPIKO! Lol, yea. But it doesn't work. And i've realised something that's very important during the camp. Insect repellent doesn't work! Really! I've tried all sorts of brands, and non of them prevented me from getting any insect bites! Ahhh, this really sucks. Now i'm left with bites and itchiness all over. :D
Back to school? Lol, i've really seen, and felt that our class's more bonded after the camp! And yes, i've got to know more of my sec2 and sec3 friends! And people like oscar, which is very helpful throughout the hiking! And hmmm, Some really great friends too like HooBoon! Lol. I got to sleep in the tent finally! And yes. My sec2 friends too! And instructor hafixz(?) Lol, finally after all his rantings, he finally smiled(?)! and yeah. it's about it.
Outing with Sunday Group!
Okay anyway, I shall blog about my trip/outing with my sunday study group friends! They're really a fun buncha people to hang out with! Hahaha.Something we did, and left behind from luwei's oreo cheesecake. :)
The restraunt we ate! hahaha. Near anchorpoint there.
Peanut butter toast(?) at Xin Wang Fan Dian?!
The "Har Gao" LOL.
Some laming around outside the restraunt.
Group photos. A nice uncle photographer helped us take! Haha :)
On the bridge towards ikea.Some laming around on the very nice bus! Looks at our "da jie da" NOOB!
Lol, laming around at the bridge! hahaha, everyone's In!
Lastly, the lightings! Very nice! Lol, i didnt knew i made this effect!
Lol, laming around with botak jones! haha, i remembered i asked one of the botak waiter "Are you Jones?!" And my friends laugh like siao! hahaha, okay lame.
Well, i really thank God for this buncha friends around me! haha, they never fails to brighten up my day! And i really look forward to sundays! And not forgetting my cellgroup, and jocelyn! hahaha, cheer up alright! You always have us! :) Zixin toooo :D Ohya, And even if we're tired too, we prayed on the bus! And even we started this day! And thank God for even letting us enjoy ourselves soo sooo much! :D
P.S : Will upload about the killer chocolate fondue which made me pon school for a day, in my next entry! Kidding, bestie! :p
Wednesday, February 27, 2008Posted by Esther Cheong at 2:53 PM 0 comments
random stuffs.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008Class BBQ @ Sembawang ParkClearing up the BBQ pit?
Maggie Mee + Planta + Tomato Sauce
The Beach
Along the shore
Along the shores
Stepping Stones
Jetty at The parkWisdom
Herman and the swing
Indoor BBQ
Outdoor BBQ
Well, for me, this bbq is really fun, and a really good gathering for us 2-5 people. Lol, kinda long since we've last got together. and really a great time of bonding. And it's supposed to be Francis's welcome party BUT he didnt make it. ahhh. Well, yeah:)
SteamBoat 2008 @ ChurchOur Steamboat table
A can of coke
My wonderful cellgroup minus bryan :)
Our yum seng.
Steamboat food.
Satay sauce and steamboat
Two lamers while one looks away LOL
Lamest of lamers
Spastic. Look at my teeth LOL
Lastly, Laming around with Botak Jones
Posted by Esther Cheong at 9:43 PM 0 comments