hahaha. im back from school. today im still sick ;( oh well. i just umm. studied? not really. im supposed to study 2 hours everyday from nowww. =.= then report to june. ahha. i dont really know how to study. do we umm, copy notes? or just read through? or copy the whole thing?
yeah. then today we erm. played something lah. then during erm. mdm chen's class. me and elaine. we played with the correction tape. the plastic string from corection tapes lah then we attach the correction tape and a pen. then we lower it down to the sec1 classes. and somebody actually pulled it! yes. and the thing snapped. and then, i told elaine.
then she took a rubbish bag, and wrote "if you pull it you're an ass" hahahah! then we lowered it down again. then as we were playing happily, MR NATHAN CAME AND WANTED TO TALK TO USSS! gosh. =.= he was like. i thought a few boys were playing it, but it were us. yes. and he handed us over to miss tay lah! and yes. the confrontation came. =.= im supposed to um, write an apology letter to mdm chen, as distrupting her class. and. i got 2hours of detention worth. =.= and during the detention class, i've gotta write a compo worth of 500words! about respect and responsibility. =.= oh well. im so sway can!
oh. im going to attend sylvia's party later! oh well. BYEBYE PEOPLE!
Monday, April 30, 2007Posted by Esther Cheong at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2007
HAHA! finally done! presentingggggggggggg~ MY MASTERPIECE! <3
lol. i wanted to do this longgg time ago, but i dont know. but today, suddenly i know! haha. ^^ yeah. it's all my friends and my dearly beloved mother :X it's kinda blur. from p6 until sec2! wow! XD
Posted by Esther Cheong at 10:48 AM 0 comments
woke up today with a supper bad cough and flu! gosh. yesterday night was raining so heavily lah? and i didnt know. lol. anyway. yesterday was just so awesome lah! ytd was an awesome day. XD
lemme start by. the piano lesson. i went to piano lesson with mindy. we're playing duet. yeah :X and the guitar teacher so cool! he can play, fly me to the moon. by plucking. o.o and some jazzy jazzy kind lah. teacher found the score for way back into love! ahahha, she's gonna give me baybeh! and mindy kon wants it :p and i know that, acostic guitar the acostic, is pronounced as "akustic" LMAO! akustic sound so. funny? erm. acostic sounds nicer. XD
oh well. then i went to church. had icebreaker. and the forfiet is to, eat chips on your face! it's like, umm. put a chip on your forehead, then you slowly wrinkle it down. using by all means. but no hands. XD xunxiang got it in! coool! :D yeah. then we went up for preservice prayer. and, just as i was praying. i came upon OR God told me this lyrics from a song. "i am empty, but i know your love, does not run dry" yeah. so touching eh! LMAO. yeah. was really touched yesterday. Pastor talked about end times again :X it was scary lah! and i know, those who are scared of the coming back of Jesus, is beacause they had something wrong in their live, like umm, their lives are not right with God. so yeah. then we had somehow, a rededication. it was great lah! then God told me, i still love you, and Yes! he does! it's like, he's still giving us so many chances of spreading the word of God, and we're not cherishing it. and all the sins i've done, he still forgives me, and whatever i do, he'll guide me along, and always there for me. ILOVEYOU JESUS! <3
oh well. then we had umm, discipleship. im discipling michelle. oh wells, i was wondering why i cannot disciple zixin. but alright lah! nevermind! XD and june sit in. :X and every question i said, she'll add on! it's like, omgosh lah. how i wish i could be like her. she's anoited! LMAO. somehow lah. and then. yea. then we did this dear Jesus thing. and yes, we're supposed to do a somehow, prayer, you can write all your problems, your worries, your hope for the future to him, and on the next page, you write Dear Esther. then slowly write what God speaks to you. and yes!~ i was kinda amazed. and know i know that, acutally im hearing from God everyday! but it's all i didnt know. lol. then june wanna talk to me. omgosh lah! her face so scary :X then, she said. it's the first time for her to call somebody(me) for study hours. and i didnt pick up. cos i dont have caller ID! oh wells. i guess im really wrong. then, she told me, to really study hard. and alot more stuff. i've decided! everyday 2 hours of studying and call her :X oh well. im not sure if i can, cos awards day's coming up., and lotsa training this week! :X but i'll try my best! my life's gonna change! IM DETERMINED! and i hope i could get into a good sec3 class :X
ahhhha! then we went home early. cos exam period. then we went lot1! we went to erm, popular and saw this cute BLUE COLOUR MONSTER! LOLLL. so cute lah!
me trying to imitate him. XD
Dear Jesus,
i pray that i would have a strong relationship with you.
and i pray that i would not stumble, as i know you're with me.
Thank You for chosing to die on the cross for me!
i love you, Jesus.
how awesome is the Lord most high!
Posted by Esther Cheong at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 27, 2007i walk with you wherever you go
through tears and joys i will trust in you
i will live in all of your ways
and your promises are forever
Jesus, i believe in You.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 10:26 PM 0 comments
tiring day.
hehe. ytd was raining heavily. and despite the big rain, i didnt bring any umbrella. haha. just kidding. infact, i brought a real biggg one. it's the vitagen less sugar unbrella. haha. due to the fact that the little amout of short umbrellas we have in our house? i brought the super big one, and ended up carrying it like an old ah-ma, whenever i go. =.= wth?
anyway, dance's syf got silver. oh wells. they're sad, but, at least they've done their best! erm. yeah. and their teacher so funny. the dance never get gold/gold with hounour, he'll leave the school. haha.
yesterday was a tiring day.. i had 4 testsss. 1st one was, physics, chemistry, english then napfa test. yeah. physics test was a failure. i wanted to study! =.= but i understand no mole of it. =.= so, how to study? no point studying. for chemistry, i ermm. somehow studied? we needa use the compass to draw the circle for electronic structures. i draw until got hole, 2 big holes in my chem test paper. =.= yeah, my brother say even o levels no need to use compass. =.= mr heng's too, troublesome! -.- english test we're supposed to write a composition. i wrote about elaine being a bad influence, but that's not true! she's reaaaally guai in class XD somehow lah. yeahh. napfa test ar. dont talk about it! so tiring can? =.=
oo. then we had footdrill trainin for today's P.O.P yeah, erm. then elaine and joanna went to my house and bake cookies? yeah. the foamy cookie. =.= it was kinda failure lah! but the one we randomly make is kinda nice? better than the one we follow the recipe. =.= yea. then elaine made a chocolate rice, which was really disguisting and gross.she added er, those rice bits and almond on top! so disguisting can!! -.- and she say she'll eat it the next day. then i was like, IT'S RAW! CANNOT EAT! i dont think shhe heated it up. =.= well, its she herself wanna try one mah. so not my problem LOL.
yeah. and i had to clean up all those rubbish after that! so gross lah omgosh. =.= then er joanna made an egg yolk, like a ball lah. like this.AND SHE WAS AMAZED! LOL. actually, according to our intellect to advertistments, only chew's egg can be done like that! but that egg was just a cheapo $1.30 egg. XD so it's quite amazing lah? LOL see the smile on her face? LMAO.
yeah. i think i did alot yesterday. let me sumarize how tired i would be.
1. 4 tests a day, made my brain cells dead.
2. napfa today, make me all exausted.
3. footdrill training after that!
4. the cleaning up process, including of mopping the floor with my hands?
5. clean my shoes! 2 shoes, one with mud, the other kena rain.
TODAY! 27/4
oh well. we had P.O.P today :( so sad. i did cards for them! and christabel bought the dollies for them. XD
the dollie. 12 of them actually.
my cards for them? so messy!
then, yeah. it was a saddddd day! im gonna miss all the erm, NCOS! yes. im incharge of the sec1s, and recre. =.= oh well, maybe i didnt email to zhuangying mdm wad i wanted. haha. nevermind! YONGXIN'S THE VICE CHAIIRRR! congratz baybeh! and erm, huizhi got promoted to corporal! while we're still left behind at lance. =.= she PSK LAH! LMAO!
OH YEAH! fadilah mdm gave us this rosie!
she's the sweetest lah!
iie miiss yoo. LOL.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007today we played baseball for p.e! oh well, it reminded me BASEBALL IN THAILANDDD! aww man. i miss him, his cuteness. BLAH!. =.= erm yeah! then the ball hit my finger! it was like, omgosh so pain lah! then i went to piano lesson, very hard to play :X so pain. teacher was fierce today, i dont know why, when she scolds, i feel so sad. haha. oh wells. what's done canoot be undone (:
ooo. today hh dropped my phonee! then it bounced. =.= yes, i meant, BOUNCED! erm, then i stared at her, btw, hh if you're reading this, i dont mean it, and hope you wont mind (: I STILL LOVE YOU HORTHUERTTT!
alright. i wonder why people love to hangout in the toilet, for some apparent reason, yes. i'm not refering to anyone, or anywhere. just wondering why? the toilet's like so smellyyy? and yes, some people do smoke in the toilet :o that's whyyy!
hmmm. i've got nothing to do now. =.= joanna said im into emotional shots? haha. no way man. emos are, cool? somehow lah, not critising them or what. (: i still love emos! yes. btw,
anyone know how to convert to black&white on computer? if you do, kindly tell me (:
ohwells, i shall end here. <3 friends.
so deeply embraced by you.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007hahaha! today's a erm. wonderful day? i somehow flunked my oral? ermmm. its like. teacher said ive done well, but i dont think so. oh well, today's picture is about erm, 3 students studying inside a library.
errr. yeah! oh well, today i finally listened? oo. and i understand ABIT of maths? haha. i suck at maths lah. dont try to teach me. elaine teach me until pekchek sia :X oh well. elaine's so angry today XD okay. i think, i shall go sleep. tmr still got piano! HAHA.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007ha ha ha! today went to school. everything's the same. mr heng actually apoligised! hahahahah! so funny lah! he said something like, erm.. ermm... i forgotten. :X wait. something like, he's wrong that he put in so much effort and he gain nothing :o haha. oh well, maybe he actually mean it? or.. i dont know lah! hehe.
today just got back geog test result! as lousy as ever. haha. but teacher did commented on my work! she said i've been failing, and now finally pass o.o but i thought i pass quite alot! haha! nevermind! ermm. yeah.. i got 21/30 :X i've still gotta buck up, though i dont have the mood. cheer me up people! haha. just kidding.
hehe. zibing's wedding on sat was really a blast! hehe, not actually a blast, but it was fun! THE FOOD WAS GREATT! haha. the starting was awesome. they did alot of stuff :X and yeah. SISTER zibing really looked pretty! yeah, as people say, the prettiest time of a women is when their in their wedding dresses! really prettyyy! umm, how i wish! haha. the foodddd, so nice lah omgosh! got sushi, the chocolate ecliar(i dont know how to spell) and yes. so nice! :D
okay, today ermmm. syahirah pal said my blogging personality is erm, different from my rl one. so weird? i dont think so. and i dont know lah. maybe rl i too noisy? blogging i too erm? emo! no lah, just kidding. my hand i think, tio mosquito bite! and my friend say got pus inside! hahaha. its a little yellow though, but after i bathe not le. hehehe. okayyy i think, i've blogged enough today! i shall continue tmr, i guess!
im off to do, H.E and ART! wish me strength, baybehs!
he was once so obsessed with her. what now?
Posted by Esther Cheong at 7:50 PM 0 comments
life's the same old story.
Friday, April 20, 2007this few days is boring, a torture for me.. sigh, im having the same routine seems like, everyday? oh well. its like, go school(including waking up super early in the morning, 6.30) and then either stay back, or go out. then at night play computer. its so boring! and if you say the computer's interesting, you're wrong. the reason is, haha. boring. msn, ppl busy, except some, which im not close to. and then, maple.. not alot of people online too. all my friends are studying, except me. i just dont have the erm? mood to study. oh well.
we learnt ratio/rate/percentage today. it's hard. i dont think i understand, wait. i dont understand at all. =.= and tomorrow i have to attend a wedding, and.. still havent buy clothes yet. oh wells.. maybe it dont mean that way. haha. erm erm erm. then chinses lesson, chiewy's magazine got confisticated. and yea. lotsa stuff happened today. and i dont wish to say it out. and we got back the magazine. XD mr heng got it back for us. erm, well no. its he return it to us. and we had contigent training for awards day and pop today. leg aching. but i do love to do more drills! its like, so cool! and commander today have some problem, hope she's alright. commander's so cool can!
and by the way, i coped this song from dudley XD i find it niceeee! what nowwww~ now that you've found me. blah blah. oh welllssss. sunday going wild wild wet. :X dont know whether enough money anot.
LIFE'S SO BORINGGG! i wish i could sleep. oh well..
a second chance.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 8:52 PM 0 comments
short of.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007oh well. im short of cash this few days. i owe so many ppl money! :X and im ashamed. dont worry everyone who ive lend money from, ill return.
herman 20bucks, qiuli 5 bucks, charmaine, 20+, boon 20+ fadilah 5.
well. i can only get 10bucks per week. and yes. not enough. i might need a year, or 2 to return u guys. LMAO.
oh well. God help me :(
Posted by Esther Cheong at 7:54 PM 0 comments
a second chance.
Monday, April 16, 2007oh well. blogger's unreliable! lol. i changed the skin, and oh well, it auto changed back! sad right! LOL. and erm, all the links are gone. so, pls tag again for your links baoberhs! XD
ermmm. nothing's much lately. today went canal! with mindy kon. THE ERM ERM SO FLOOOODED LAH! the boys wanted to swim. XD
OH WELL. IM SO TIRED. i shall blog another day. <3
Posted by Esther Cheong at 9:05 PM 0 comments
it ends tonight.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007jus came back from the canal. haha. today was a fun day. and im so tired. so, this shall be a short post! shall post about today another time. today had maths test! was struggling with the last question. but still, cannot make it. haha, oh wells. sports day is just the same old boring. and elaine's team was first again! gratz darling. (: she ran so fast lah. =.= i shall go sleep. tired.
1pic. we were stepping on joanna's clothes. =.=
yeah. our shoes. today was fun! and i shall die tonight. good night!
Posted by Esther Cheong at 8:31 PM 0 comments
life's unpredictable.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007MORE UPDATES ON THE BEACHY! XD
JX just send me somemore photos today. shall post it up! :D
LOL. the star we made. but it must be erm like. we lifted it up! and yeah.
some footprints on the beach.
some, sun? i was expecting a sunset. =.= the sun's black!!
eh, some seashell found onshore. :D
LOL. something happened in class today! SUPER FUNNY LAH! joanna got a pad, and she sprayed water in it! LOL. then our chinese teacher was pissed off with us. =.= and yes, the pad can't hold too much water, well. it's whisper safe guard! LOL. but we didnt open it lah. i shall post a photo later.
LMAO. the pad! dont say im sick okay. its outta curiosity. boon called me to throw it to him! and i did. then they siam! christabel scream! LMAO! so funny lah!
alright. =.= then it was mathssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. SUCKS LAHH! i just found out that ms ong is nice. ms lee dont explain. =.= and yeah.. tmr got retest. ahh! im gonna die soon man. my test result, 11/40. sigh. how i wish i was clever.. how i wish i didnt have to go school. stay and home.. and yeah. today even as i was hoping to go home, ms ong called me to stay back. she wanted to teach me and asked me why i didnt do. uhh. sad! :( and yes. i really hope i wont drop na during mid year. :(
Posted by Esther Cheong at 7:37 PM 0 comments
what a day.
Monday, April 09, 2007oh well. today's monday. and yes. people say it's monday blues! lol.
kinda sian lah. and we had chinese test! and i was clueless lah. i dont know how to do. =.= lol. someone tell me whether should i take clb? o.o my friend says it is damn sian, but it does help too. like, the compo got picture, and got helping word somemore! and all got hanyupinying one. haha. so cool. but i think my mom will surely disagree. cos she herself is a chinese teacher, and her daughter suck so much in chinese. im wondering why i suck so much in chinese. i got an A! for it during psle. hmmm. maybe i talked too much. i shall concentrate during chinese lesson from NOW ON! HAHA. IM DETERMINED! XD
okay. that's retarded. christable introduced me a book, comic while we had rc today. WHOOO! P.O.P(fyi, it's passing out parade) COMING SOON!!! LOLOLOL! im so hairpee~ but i'll surely miss some of them. ill miss fadilah, qinyi the chiobuuu! and jas and jocelyn mdm. XD plus all the other seniors. hehe. ohya. the book's very very very nice lah! i shall type the erm. thing behind.
"The year was 2039, Mandkind's first contact with an alien species known as Tarsians had ended in hostility. Fast forward seven years ahead, Junior High student Mikako Nagamine finds herself recryuted onboard the U.S Space Force Lysithea on a mission to discover more about the Tarsians. With her soul mate Noboru Terao still back on Earth awaiting her return, the only means of staying in touch is through messages via their mobile phone. But as her mission takes her further into space, the interval at which her messages reach him translate from weeks into months... then years. With the other party virtually unreachable and plagued with isolation and self-doubt, all that may be left is an unspoken promise made to each other years ago, and the faint hope that her voice will be heard..."
whoah! lol. its a touching story called "Voices of a Instand Star". and yeah. im like doing a book review. LOL. alrighttt. i learnt a new song called, at the beginning! and we're supposed to sing that during P.O.P performance. and according to jamues sir, this year's pop, we're combining with other UGs! whoah. so cool. then promotion confirm stand there super long lah! imagine, from 1 ug to another. =.=
alright! i've completed my task on updating this blog! i shall go play maple now. LOL.
Posted by Esther Cheong at 6:55 PM 0 comments
the beach.
Sunday, April 08, 2007haha! alright. i shall post about the beach.
we made sand castles and! we wrote 2-5! yeah. its nice! XD
lol. someone wrote the 2/5 hah! nice right? xP
LOL. joanna made sand balls. XD
then erm, we took photos! yes. i made a "how to make a sandcastle thingy"
1. You will need a bucket/cup and sand, fill it up.
alrighty. its so lame. =.= and erm. yes. then chiewy collected seashells. and one was nice! like spikey de. and they said it was rare =.= which im not sure! but its sure nice! :D yeah. i was looking forward to see the sunset. but they told me, sunsets at the west. so well. =.= and i see no sun! LOL. not really, the sun was shinning on the water, damn nice! my phone was lowbatt then. told jx to help me take photo. XD
Posted by Esther Cheong at 1:46 AM 0 comments
finally back.
hello all! haha. i've decided to blog. eventhough i've encountered some problems. like, the stupid html thingy. =.= and yes! IM BACKKK!! LOL. alright.
i shall post about the beach later. haha. it's still under construction. and yea. ask me why i still use this blog! because, the new google thingy cannot work! LOL! okay. brb!
Posted by Esther Cheong at 1:12 AM 0 comments